The objective is to improve quality standards of exported manufactures of Bangladesh, building Bangladesh Leather Export Service Center (BLSC) for the local industry development. To fulfill this, ITC created a Service Centre (BLSC) with a project promoted by Italy, together with PISIE as technical partner.
Objective: increase the leather products exportation, together with a diversification of sustainible products.
Results: PMI’s export expands the small existing market while enstablishing the local industries’presence on new markets.
Activities: Creation of BLSC to provide product design and development, training, quality standards and certifications, trade information, promotion and internalisation.
Leather sector was identified from the Bangali government as one of the ones with most priority, indeed its growth increases export and workspaces. The income coming from exported products leads to exporting products with additional calue, such as footwear and leather manufactures.
The main activity foresees:
1. Technical assistance by BLSC for whom interested in the cluster, on the basics of 2007’s experience and comments gathered at the end of the training forms from tutors and participants.
2. A first training programme, basic and advanced, which content and lenght were programmed accurately, based on results from previous years and observations gathered during similar seminars.
3. PISIE’s support for the organisation since the first official editions of the courses, with particular participation in defining a schedule, selection criteria for participants, subjects and material.
4. PISIE’s support in creating the technology centre and organising the first services offer.
Activities are grouped in 4 main components:
I. Coaching for BLSC courses.
II. Coaching for a competitive analysis
III. Creation of a business resource centre (BRC)
IV. Updating machines to conduct the planned courses, based on design (CAD CAM, Leather Cutting Machines with different sizes and working areas)
Funded by: ITC Executed by: PISIE Partner: ASSOMAC Beneficiaries: BLSC