This project was designed to give assistance to the artigianal’s centre of N’Djamena providing training inside the Footwear Technology Laboratory, created thanks to ICE and in collaboration with the Industrial Ministry of Ciad, ITC and ASSOMAC.
The project for the creation of a laboratory for footwear’s craftmen in N’Djamena was realised on the basis of an agreement signed by the Industry’s Trade Ministry of Ciad and the Economic Development Ministry of Italy, undersigned by the International Trade Centre, ICE and ASSOMAC (Italian Association for ..)
This initiative follows up the “renforcement des capacités national dans la mise en oeuvre du Cadre Intégré” project, in its components, financed from the assistance programme “Integrated framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance” executed by Ciad’s government together with United Nations International Trade Centre of Ginevra (ITC).
This project will be based on the installation and avviation of a full laboratory for mechanical standardised production for men, women, children’s shoes and sandals, and its purpose is to present footwear and leather from Ciad to the international market.
Footwear and sandals’ production is an ancient activity in Ciad, it always grew in small informal realities. However, it is of great importance of training in specialisation, it matched with a consumption demand, it provides job opportunities and, occasionally, the chance to export local productions; it performs an important social function.
African craftmen, even in Ciad, are particularly affected by imported products, especially second hand ones. There are not enough machines or training, and this creates limits on their development, even though, it is common to recognise in this sector of micro, small companies a strategic importance.
This project started in 2013 with an evaluating mission and delivery of the props necessary to the Centre realisation. Launching and training happened in 2014.
L’insufficienza di macchine adatte e la mancanza di formazione continua costituiscono un grave limite al loro sviluppo, eppure è opinione comune riconoscere a questo settore di micro e piccole imprese un’importanza strategica sebbene il suo sostegno, nel dibattito tra i cooperatori, sia relegato in un angolo. Questo perché spesso formalizzare l’informale rischia di scompaginarne le dinamiche, e gli organismi d’aiuto non sono propensi ad interferire con una miriade di piccole attività spontanee che danno vita ad uno sviluppo non precisamente lineare.