The project, which follows the financial intervention of the first fase of the Debt conversion program, contribute to the development of a new industrial cluster in Robbiki, RLC (Robbiki Leather City), 40km from Cairo, specialised in tanning, introducing production systems and innovative technologies compatible with an eco-friendly approach. It is estimated that tanneries will move to the new location in 2017. From the second half of this current year, it is fundamental that activities of technical assistance and training will help adapting technologies and MEE workers to new requests of environmental impact levels and improve productivity in RLC. Responsible for these activities is Leather Tanning Technology Centre – LTTC, that is present today in MEE and will move to Robbiki in a dedicated space.
Since 2005, PISIE’s activities are placed in a project plan for this new initiative. The objectives will be:
- To identify necessities and critical points of the help desk for companies which will move and help enterpreneurs improving tecnologies currently in use in tanneries.
- Assist technicians which are responsible for managing the water/waste treatment system.
- Assist the Technology Centre LTTC with the purchase of machinery and start the activities.