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Promoting circularity in the Tamil Nadu leather clusters for solid waste management The Challenge Leather tanning is one of the most polluting chemical manufacturing processes. While the Tamil Nadu clusters have Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP), high waste levels (organic and chemical) are a serious sustainability challenge to the industry. Read more…


EFFECTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MSME TANNING COMPANIES IN THE KOLKATA LEATHER CLUSTER The project is relevant to the theme of Waste Management and complies with the Global Objective in relation to: Inclusive Sustainable Growth; Economic Prosperity and Poverty Reduction; and Green Economy and Transition Towards a Read more…

EGYPT 2017

ROBBIKI LEATHER CITY   The project, which follows the financial intervention of the first fase of the Debt conversion program, contribute to the development of a new industrial cluster in Robbiki, RLC (Robbiki Leather City), 40km from Cairo, specialised in tanning, introducing production systems and innovative technologies compatible with an eco-friendly approach. It is estimated that tanneries will move to the new location in 2017. From the second half of this current year, it is fundamental that activities of technical assistance and training will help adapting technologies and MEE workers to new requests of environmental impact levels and improve productivity in RLC. Responsible for these activities is Leather Tanning Technology Centre – LTTC, that is present today in MEE and will move to Robbiki in a dedicated space.    Read more…


CLUSTERING FOOTWEAR MANUFACTURERS  Together with CDE of Bruxelles, a training project for a footwear craftmen’s cluster, to improve the production capacity through a mechanical process.  It took roughly a year to apply this process, Italian machines and seven Italian experts where invited on site in 2009.  To benifict from this project where thirty technicians, directors of the companies part of the craftmanship of the metropolian area in Medina of Dakar. The directors on site tutored roughly threehundred footwear’s craftmen of the local system. The project run thanks to microfunding of local istitutions, together with Italian Cooperation.  


PROYECTO ASISTENCIA TECNICA AL SECTOR DEL CUERO PARA ACTIVIDADES DE EXPORTACION The market research of the actual levels of production in Colombia, and the link between European enterpreneurs with Colombia companies taking part in this project to induce communication between the two parts, are the main objectives.    It clearly is a first step to set intervention poins, so that it would be clearer which furthers steps to take in consulting following the markets requests.  Therefore, a detailed analysis on Colombian products, distribution, image and international competitiveness gives the possibility of intervention in inproving bending points and optimising the ones that already present positive aspects.  From this fase, follows the definition of strategies, based on the analysis of answers from the contacts.  This activity is run in Read more…