The multiple activities of cooperation between the National Association of Italian Manufacturers of Footwear, Leather goods and Tanning Technologies ASSOMAC and Pakistan’s association of leather goods, footwear, gloves manufacturers, including PFMA (Pakistan Footwear Manufacturing Association) in Lahore, such as the participation to fairs, workshops and visits to the factories, brought Read more…
ITALY-PAKISTAN TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY CENTER “IPTTC” Italian Ambassador to Pakistan H. E. Andreas Ferrarese and the CEO, of Crescent Bahuman Limited, MR. Rizwan Shafi inaugurated the “Italy-Pakistan Textile Technology Center” (IPTTC) established at National Textile University (NTU), in Faisalabad on November 16, 2020. The inauguration ceremony was chaired by Professor Dr. Tanveer Hussain, Rector of NTU. Ambassador of Pakistan to Italy H. E. Jahuar Saleem, Italian Trade Commissioner to UAE, Pakistan, Oman Mr. Amedeo Scarpa and Dr. Alex Zucchi, President of ACIMIT (Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers) participated in (at) Read more…
ITALIAN SERVICE CENTRES FOR FOOTWEAR AND TEXTILE SECTOR FOOTWEAR: The Industrial development of Ho Chi Minh City, south of Vietnam. Creation of the initiative “Italy-Vietnam Footwear Technology Centre” in the technology centre LEFASO with the cooperation of the Technological Institute of Business of Bing Duong, to transfer technology and develop a footwear know-how. The partnership between the national association LEFASO and ICE/ITA (Italian Trade Commision), patronage of the Vietnamese Industial Ministry, Italian Development Ministry and the Italian embassy in Vietnam. Thanks to this project, a Service Read more…
CHAD 2013
MANUFACTURERS’ CENTRE IN N’DJAMENA This project was designed to give assistance to the artigianal’s centre of N’Djamena providing training inside the Footwear Technology Laboratory, created thanks to ICE and in collaboration with the Industrial Ministry of Ciad, ITC and ASSOMAC. The project for the creation of a laboratory for footwear’s craftmen in N’Djamena was realised on the basis of an agreement signed by the Industry’s Trade Ministry of Ciad and the Economic Development Ministry of Italy, undersigned by the International Trade Centre, ICE and ASSOMAC (Italian Association for ..) This initiative follows up the “renforcement des capacités national dans la mise en Read more…
“ARTISANS DE LA CHAUSSURE” This project developped the “Leather Community Processing Centre (CPC)”, built with Italy’s cooperation via PISIE, ICE and ASSOMAC as funders, that helped boosting up the leather and footwear’s sector in Rwanda. In 2021 Rwanda and Italy started a tecnical and financial cooperation with the purpose of building, organising and booting a technological laboratory to train the industry of leather and footwear in CPC of Gatsibo, east side of the country. A second CPC in Gatsibo was inaugurated, where italian partners, following guidelines given by the Trade and Industrial Ministry of Ruanda, installed 24 machineries given by PISIE, and funded by ICE. The new CPC is meant to introduce the advanced technology and Italian expertise to local companies, specifically concerning development and planning, training Read more…